“Please pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Start to finish you handled the project so very well and produced a beautifully written book that will be treasured by family members. There is much to be said by having the opportunity to tell one’s story. Wish deepest gratitude for your persistence, kindness, and gift of writing.”


“I want to let you know how much the family and I have enjoyed reading ‘My Life in Chapters.’ Thank you for doing such a marvellous job in writing up these memoirs.”


“You certainly have a wonderful gift for writing, Anne. I felt as if I knew this amazing young woman by the time I finished reading just the one page.”


“Anne, you have that special talent that so few have – to be able to take the words spoken and put them in text for so the many quiet voices that just want the respect of being heard.”


“I just finished reading your lovely tribute to your brother. It was wonderful to read this loving letter about his story and character. It goes without saying that it was well written.”


“Many thanks for the wonderful article in the February issue of Seaside Magazine. You did a superb job and really captured the marvellous, woman, teacher and friend of mine.”

“The process of recounting my early years to Anne was so meaningful to me and surprisingly so easy. Bringing back many long-forgotten memories of family and my childhood antics was truly a joyful walk down memory lane.”