What is Your Story?
“… what the next generation will value most is not what we owned, but the evidence of who we were and the tales of how we loved. In the end, it’s the family stories that are worth the storage.”
Ellen Goodman
There’s no one I know who doesn’t like stories, if told in an interesting way. Furthermore, I have never met anyone who didn’t enjoy telling stories about themselves. The telling of stories is embedded into our nature, into our cultures.
The truth is, we each have a story of our own to tell. It’s unique. It’s informative. It’s personal. And, it’s important. Sadly, many of our stories and memories pass away from this life along with us. My goal and my gratification are to capture them before they fade away, to keep them alive for generations to come. Not only will the narrator feel greatly satisfied and valued in sharing his or her stories, but families and communities will have a record with which to learn about, connect with and honour those whose lives have made a difference to them.
It’s never too late to begin. Contact me for a complimentary consultation to discuss the options that would work for you.